DIY: Wedding Dress Shopping Survival Kit

We all know wedding dress shopping is the ultimate milestone in the engagement process. It was one of my favorite moments during our engagement, a moment shared with the special women in my life. Whether you’ve chosen to bring all your aunts and bridesmaids or just your maid of honor to shop, make sure you are prepared! Every bridal party entourage needs this wedding dress shopping survival kit!

dress shopping survival kit


Create signs to help the bride pick the “one.” We did this when I went dress shopping and it was a blast. I loved hearing what everyone had to say about the dresses I was trying on but sometimes there were too many opinions and it clouded my judgement. These signs help keep opinions to a minimum and on top of that they are just plain cute!! And when your bride has found the dress of her dreams they create the perfect photo op!


No dress shopping experience is complete without a bottle of champagne or in this case…prosecco! Bring some “fancier” clear plastic cups and chilled champagne for when the moment is right and the tears are flowing…it’s the perfect ending to a perfect day! For me, that moment was when I really realized I was getting married. I could actually picture myself walking down the aisle towards Aaron and marrying him. I will never forget that feeling of excitement!  So pop the champagne and cheers the bride-to-be to forever!!


Dress shopping is so much fun. You get to try on lots of beautiful dresses…play around with veils and sparkly sashes…but what isn’t fun is dealing with your aunt when she’s got low blood sugar. I absolutely love the new phrase…hangry! It’s a combination of tired and hungry and it ain’t pretty! To avoid any of these issues…bring snacks!! I just recently went with one of my best friends to go dress shopping. We went with a group of 9 women and had to hit three appointments that day. I knew I needed to come prepared with lots of snacks. I recommend something sweet and something savory. I brought my mothers Rustic Crunch Homemade Caramel Corn and trail mix. Both were a huge hit and held us all over until dinner time. (p.s. personalize each snack bag with the bride and grooms name, plus their wedding date! It’s an easy, yet sweet touch that’s sure to make your bride feel extra special!)

Not pictured: WATER! This is the most important piece in the survival kit! Buy a case of waters just in case you have a very thirsty bunch…be overly prepared! Everyone will be hydrated and happy. Water provides so much more than just “wettin’ the ol’ whistle.” It gives us energy!


xoxo, madison naomi





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  • This sounds great, thanks for the info and pictures. We are going with my granddaughter soon and I really wish we had your mothers recipe for Rustic Crunch Homemade Caramel Corn and trail mix … it sounds like the perfect treat to what I know will be a long day.

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  • Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog! I love it! This post is adorable!! I was wondering if you could send me a digital version of the signs? Thank you!!

    • Thank you so much!! I wish I had a digital version! My sister actually drew these signs with a paint pen. You can definitely make them yourself :) It’s a super cute way to add a personal touch to this special day! Good luck!

  • Oh my gosh!!! I loved this picture so I opened it up…. Getting ready to go dress shopping with my niece and wanted som good ideas!!! LOOK WHO I FOUND!!!! Hillarious!!! I guess I’m gonna have to get your moms recipe!!!! ☺️ Love this and am gonna do it!!!

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