26 Things I’ve Learned in 26 Years

26 Things I’ve Learned in 26 Years

  1. Adulthood is not all fun and games…it’s a lot harder than it looks.
  2. Never mix alcohols. Ever. Your tummy can’t handle it, so just stop.
  3. You can never have too many throw pillows.
  4. My parents are incredibly cool.
  5. Wearing your pjs on a Saturday until 5 pm is completely acceptable. (or until Sunday morning…we’ve all been there.)
  6. In-n-out is still just as amazing as ever.
  7. Wear sunscreen people! Skin cancer is NOT cool.
  8. Grocery shopping is the worst.
  9. Don’t get that belly button ring…I now have a hole in my stomach…”that” isn’t cool at all.
  10. Wash your face every night before you go to bed.
  11. Reading IS actually cool, extremely relaxing and enjoyable…(my 14 year old self just rolled her eyes, big time)
  12. Italy is just as amazing as I ever imagined…#takemeback
  13. Why on earth does my color protective, fancy a** shampoo cost so much??
  14. I like big metallic mirrors and I cannot lie.
  15. I have the most amazing siblings a girl could ask for.
  16. Dogs/animals really do make life so much more enjoyable. (Believe it or not, but I didn’t used to be an “animal person”…it’s true.) Where would I be in life without Dexter and Dakota???
  17. I really, really love to cook.
  18. I really, really don’t like baking. Unless it’s a 5-second cobbler (shameless plug)
  19. I love a good green juice. (If you’ve known me a long time, you know that I used to be the pickiest eater alive…this might come to shock a lot of you. surprise!)
  20. Girl time is completely underrated. Who am I kidding…I’ve always known this!
  21. I don’t need to go back to Disneyland until I have kids.
  22. Dry shampoo is the greatest thing ever invented.
  23. You can 1000% find your best friend and lover in one person…(xoxo @aaronshinn)
  24. I am an over-communicator.
  25. My love languages are quality time and acts of service.
  26. I need a little bit of change in my life on a regular basis.

xx, maddie

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